Mountain Biking Courses

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MIAS Assisting Mountain Bike Leader Level One (AMBL)
This two-day mountain biking leadership qualification will give a successful candidate a nationally recognise qualification to take groups into low-level non-technical terrain, with few potential hazards, i.e., country parks, canal towpaths, and non-wilderness areas where help is almost immediately accessible. Includes blue forest trail routes.
MIAS Mountain Bike Leader Level Two (MBL2)
This two-day mountain biking leadership qualification is a step beyond level one. Focusing leadership and mountain biking skills needed in technical terrain of open country or mountain biking trials, with potential hazards that surround such terrain. The qualification is useful to people that operate within 30-minute cycling of assistance. The Adventurous Activity Licensing Authority recognize this award and may also require you to hold additional qualifications to work in some terrain.